The transversal electromagnetic mode which can be developped in the SL 90 strip line, provides the opportunity for doing EMC testing inside the strip line. The geometrical dimensions having a line impedance of Z = 90 Ω. At the end, the line is matched by a 90 Ω termination. Typical for this strip line is the low power request for high field strength values. The strip line is specified in ISO 11452-5 ‘Road Vehicles electrical disturbances through radiated narrowband electromagnetic energy: Measurement procedure for components part 5: Strip Line’. The SL 90 allows testing electrical/electronic sub modules (EUB) and their associated cables. Standards like BMW GS 95002 allow both emission and immunity testing with the strip line. Although emission testing is derived from ISO 11452-5 where the strip line is exclusively used for immunity tests. BMW GS 95002 provides additional hints. The limit line is given as interference voltage level in dμBV.
Height of the septum: 150 mm
Frequency range: DC to 1000 MHz
Max. input power: 150 W
Input power for 10 V/m: approx. 50 mW (17 dBm)
Typical impedance: 90 Ω
IEC/EN 61000-4-20
ISO 11452-5